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Our story began with the vision of our for Catch of the Day started when the founder Aymori Duncan realised that food in the island was extortionately expensive and changes needed to happen.


He did some further investigating and understood that matters were very complicated and there were intrinsic problems related to Bermuda’s infrastructure that kept this practice with no end in sight for most of the population. Bermuda is the most expensive place in the world for food, and the most wasteful society in the world. Alongside these figures 29% of the island is moderately food insecure and 10% are extremely vulnerable facing food insecurity.


With these pressing issues in mind and the founder having full-stack experience in coding JavaScript and certifications in User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design, he embarked on a mission to leverage technology for positive change.


Thus, Catch of the Day was born—a mobile application designed to offer budget-friendly deals on food nearing expiry, reducing waste while supporting local communities. With Catch of the Day, users can access discounted food from local vendors, helping to alleviate food insecurity and foster sustainable consumption practices.

Image by Mona Jain


Our goal is simple yet ambitious: to create a more sustainable and equitable future by harnessing the power of technology. Through Catch of the Day, we aim to empower individuals to make conscious choices that benefit both the planet and the community.


Meet our team, reeling in solutions to tackle food waste and hooking onto sustainability.

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